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Steps involved
Business name registration
At Ontario, your business/organization name can be enlisted by means of the public office of the Companies Branch via mail or face to face. The charge for business name enrollment is $80. Business name registration can likewise be finished through any of the Service Providers under contract with the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services.
While in British Columbia (BC), you need to fill out a Name Approval Request Form. A Name Approval Request Form can be gotten from your local government’s agent office or online from the Corporate Registry Web website:
A business name registration is required in the event that you will direct a sole ownership (sole dealer business) under an unexpected name in comparison to your own or lead a limited partnership or just a partnership, or limited liability partnership (LLP) In Alberta. All corporate registry points of interest are input into the Corporate Registry computer (CORES), the business name registration does not require you to fill a form. If you might want to see the finished form to guarantee you have all the data you’re required to provide for your approved service providers, you may download the Declaration of Trade Name forms. This is accessible from the Alberta Corporate Registry website:
At Quebec, the business name registration process is straightforward; just send a Declaration of Registration form along with required fees at the office of Registraire des Entreprises (REQ) at Montréal, Québec City. Fill out and send the French version of the form so as to enroll your business/organization. The English interpretations of the form are accessible if required.
In Nova Scotia, the primary system is to hold your business/organization name. Keeping in mind the end goal to continue with this, you are required to send your picked business/organization name and other applicable data to the Nova Scotia Registry Of Joint Stock Companies. They will complete a name search. Nova Scotia likewise gives online business registration administrations. You can send your Name Reservation Request to Nova Scotia Business Registry ( You can likewise download and print out the subtle elements at and take it face to face to any Nova Scotia Access Center or mail it to the Nova Scotia Registry Of Joint Stock Companies.

To register your business & organization
At Ontario, you may likewise be required to have a business permit. This will rely upon the classification of business you’re intending to venture. You are required to work your business as per government laws and provincial laws. This implies you may be required to enroll for Workers’ Compensation Insurance or gather GST/HST (Harmonized Sales Tax & Goods and Services Tax). At regular intervals, the enlistment of a business name should be recharged. Re-enlisting your business is your own particular obligation. The Companies Branch won’t issue any update for re-enrollment.
In British Colombia, after you get an endorsement for your picked business name, you are required to register your business within 56 days. Keeping in mind the end goal to register you should complete a Declaration for Partnership or Proprietorship registration Form and send your finished assertion alongside the fee (directly $40).
In Alberta, the business registration is all the same.
In Quebec, to build up and enroll a numbered organization, you have to fill out and send the Articles of Constitution and the Notice Establishing the Address of the Head Office/List of Directors, including the charge appropriate, to the Registraire des enterprises.
In Nova Scotia, registration of a business of a partnership or sole ownership is direct; you have to finish and present the “Application for Registration of a Business Name, Sole Proprietorship, or  a Partnership in Nova Scotia” forms and then send the required fee. Forms can be downloaded at “Application for Registration…” ( ). You can print it, finish all the required fields and convey it to any Nova Scotia Access Center, or mail it with a fee of $55 to the Nova Scotia Registry Of Joint Companies. Online enrollment application of your sole ownership might be very convenient. This should be possible at Nova Scotia Business Registry.

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