Before registering your organization you need to ensure that you’ve met all the legitimate prerequisites of the Kenyan government. This incorporates registering your organization which will empower you to get public procurement.

Reserve your desired company name
In the first place, you will complete a pursuit of the name and hold it for up to 30 days. This has never been a costly undertaking as it takes no one but Sh100. It should be possible at Huduma focus or through the eCitizen entry. It’s at this stage whereby you will likewise need to concoct one particular nature of business e.g. Visits and Travel. You are just permitted to perform one name search at once. You can perform name search at any of the Huduma Centers or visit the eCitizen site
- You will fill the organization registration form. You can download the form from the office of the registrar.
- The following necessity will be to get a registered legal advisor to set up the Memorandum and Articles of Association which is modifiable.
- Once your organization name has been held, you should give your data that will be utilized to set to prepare organization documents.
Here is a portion of the data that you should gather;
- Director(s) Details: Full names – your full names as shown on your ID/Passport will be utilized on the application.
- Occupation: You should express your occupation e.g. IT Consultant, promoting expert, fund consultancy, specialist and so forth. On the off chance that you don’t have any occupation, don’t stress, you can just put either agent or representative.
- Postal address: You should give your postal address. In the event that you don’t have one, you can register it with Posta Kenya.
- Physical Residential address: This data will be utilized on the Form CR8 to follow the Company Act which requires all directors to give their private address. You’ll have to give LR number or house number, building name (assuming any), road name, town name, and nation.
- The share Allocations: Every director should be distributed no less than 1 share. Keep in mind that the aggregate number of share accessible for designation is 1,000 offers. You can plan to allot your 1,000 shares utilizing rates, for example, 60%/40%, half/half. Be that as it may, in the event that you are only the sole executive then you can have 100% share possession.
- Proof to identify document: You should give the accompanying report for registration, without them your application will be rejected.
- Duplicate of ID or Passport: You can photocopy or scan your identification proof report
- Duplicate of KRA PIN authentication: Every single Kenyan executive/investors should give KRA PIN, in any case, nonnative’s won’t have to give one to the enrollment.
- Photographs: Must have an unmistakable background and demonstrate all your facial highlights, much the same as an identification photograph. If you don’t mind abstain from submitting photographs that have somebody wearing shades, caps; this could make your application be dismissed by the Registrar.
Organization Details
- Organization Name Suggestions: You’ll have to think of up-to 2 organization name that you might want to check its accessibility
- Nature of business: With the new Company Act 2015, you would now be able to do all exchange of consultancy business with no restrictions.
- Area of business premises: You should give the area subtle elements of your office including LR Number or Plot Number, Building name (assuming any), Street name, Town.
When you have given the above data, your organization documents will be readied and every director will be required to sign the Memorandum and different documents as follows;
- Frame CR1 – Application Form for Company Registration
- Frame CR2 – Memorandum
- Frame CR8 – Notice of Residential Address of Director(s)
- Notice of Nominal Capital Share
- Suspension Form (relevant for candidates who are updating their business to a constrained organization)
Certificate of your Incorporation
After signing submit to the Registrar of Companies and pay your corporation fee of 2800. In the event that the registration is affirmed, you will get the Certificate of Incorporation between 2-3 weeks.
The registration charge is Ksh 10,000.