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Sweden is a very business-friendly nation where new start-up companies can thrive. Starting up a company or branch based in Sweden is relatively an easy thing unlike compared to other European countries. The first and basic thing to do is to determine what type of company you want your business to be known for. There are different options, which includes, a sole trader (Enskild Näringsidkare), limited liability company (Aktiebolaget), a trading partnership (Handelsbolag) and a branch (filia) of a foreign-based company, or limited partnership (Kommanditbolag).


The company formation and registration in Sweden are performed on the basis of some rather standard actions. The company incorporation in Sweden includes things like drafting the articles of association, the passport copies of those involved, the specimen signatures and other forms obtained from the company registration office. Some public notary procedures must be taken care of. A registered office in Sweden is also very necessary for company formation in Sweden, as well as having a bank account with hiring a local accountant for the newly established company in Sweden, these are all very necessary.

Types of business entities in Sweden

Most popular type of business in Sweden is the Aktiebolag (A.B. – Limited Liability Company) it requires a minimum share capital of 100,000 SEK to be established, with least one shareholder and two directors.

The following structure is established by big businesses. For Swedish Joint Stock Company the same number of shareholders is allowed for incorporation companies, the initial capital has to be at least 500,000 SEK. Difference between the two entities is such that the Swedish Joint Stock Company has its shares transferable to a third party and cases can be registered to the Stock Market.

Registration of a private limited company in Sweden

Private limited liability company known as (Aktiebolag ) is the most prevalent kind of business among many foreign investors specialists and it is somewhat easy to build up and run. No less than 100,000 SEK must be given as an underlying capital so as to set up a private limited liability organization in Sweden. Contributions are acknowledged in both trade and out kind. The capital of a Swedish AB is usually divided into shares and one share must have a base estimation of 100 SEK. No less than one overseeing director is essential in a Swedish AB. In the event that the board of directors is formed by a few people, a director must be appointed.

A private limited liability organization in Sweden must have a registered accountant who needs to manage a few administrations. The accountant of a Swedish AB must issue yearly reports and send those records to the Swedish Companies Registration Office. This must be finished with eleven months after the financial year has finished. An asset report and an organization report must be finished in Swedish consistently and assessed by a public accountant in Sweden.

To register and set up an organization in Sweden you have to take these steps below:

A written statement that comes from the bank to assure that the initial amount for the share has been paid into an account that is for a limited liability company.

Present an application to the Swedish Companies Registration Office (Bolagsverket).

Register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).

After registration at tax office, your company will get the unique corporate identity number (Oranisationummer), which will be sent to your enlisted organization address. You will pay a yearly duty on the evaluated yearly benefit, which is amendable amid the year. With a few exemptions, 25% VAT is chargeable on all products and ventures.

The application to form a limited liability company is usually filed at the Swedish Companies Registration Office and is generally drawn up with the assistance of an expert. The principal documents sitting at the base of such organization is the articles of association, which incorporates all the organization’s internal regulations, insights with respect to the directors and capital and an accessibility term in specific cases. The organization’s fundamental choices are taken by the general gathering of the directors. It takes around fourteen days following the Office’s receipt of the application for the organization to be fully incorporated.

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